Minggu, 07 Oktober 2012

MOSAIC 13th october

Hi guys ! ^^ there will be an awesome orchestra concert in October 13th !
in Collaboration with Andante Youth Community Orchestra, we present “MOSAIC”
Our Pieces : The Prayer, O Sole Mio, Vivaldi "concerto for guitar", Winter games, Because we believe, Reflection, Dalam doaku by Ananda Sukarlan, a thousand years, someone like you etc. 
Saturday, 13th october 2012 . At Gedung BPPT Thamrin. 7 p.m
The Stars : Gilang IDOL, Indra Aziz, Michelle as solo violinist, Ananda Sukarlan ( Famous International composer), Henoch as pianist, Robert as Solo Guitarist, Elly Yu, Jimmy Wong, and many more ! =)
From classical to jazz, from jazz to pop, from pop to ethnic !! different colors, different melody, one harmony….
Book your tickets now !!! for more information..mention @random2797 @AYCOrchestra or add my bb pin 2875fb3d ^^ see you there !