Sabtu, 31 Agustus 2013


  Hello there ! I'm listening to Taylor swift ft Ed sheeran - everything has changed now :) Yolo ! You only live once ! Mainstream ? Yup but truly true. So just wanna share my thought about "yolo".
  Teenagers loved to say Yolo and do crazy things for fun ! Believe me that's so true. I'm still one of the teenagers anyway..and i do enjoy doing crazy things with my friends. But here's the important part esp. if you are a girl..cigarettes, alcohol, club, and many to do? Yes ! Positive to do? Not really. Sometimes one little mistake can destroy all of the positive things. Think about it girls, 1 night or 1 shot can change everything.
  Self control is the point here, think before you do. When you are hanging out with your male friends and they smoke..make sure to keep your self control, but avoiding them is not right either. Health reason and bad image are considered of course. When those boys ask you to try..that's the most difficult part ! But as a wise and smart girls, you have to be brave enough to refuse.
  For alcohol and club part, i think for girls those 2 things are still okay to do. Yolo and live while you're young right?'s okay to go to the club sometimes not every single day. Consuming alcohol in a fair portion.
  If you listen to my advice, i'm sure you still enjoy Yolo in a healty and positive way :) thanks for reading !

"In 20 years, you will be more disappointed by what you didn't do than by what you did"
 P.s. being naughty is worth to try anyway :)