Sabtu, 26 Oktober 2013

one sided love

Hi folks ! Just gonna post some quotes that i found on google :)

And here's a quote that made by me....

/sigh/ it's better to forget him and act like nothing happen right ? :)

Sabtu, 31 Agustus 2013


  Hello there ! I'm listening to Taylor swift ft Ed sheeran - everything has changed now :) Yolo ! You only live once ! Mainstream ? Yup but truly true. So just wanna share my thought about "yolo".
  Teenagers loved to say Yolo and do crazy things for fun ! Believe me that's so true. I'm still one of the teenagers anyway..and i do enjoy doing crazy things with my friends. But here's the important part esp. if you are a girl..cigarettes, alcohol, club, and many to do? Yes ! Positive to do? Not really. Sometimes one little mistake can destroy all of the positive things. Think about it girls, 1 night or 1 shot can change everything.
  Self control is the point here, think before you do. When you are hanging out with your male friends and they smoke..make sure to keep your self control, but avoiding them is not right either. Health reason and bad image are considered of course. When those boys ask you to try..that's the most difficult part ! But as a wise and smart girls, you have to be brave enough to refuse.
  For alcohol and club part, i think for girls those 2 things are still okay to do. Yolo and live while you're young right?'s okay to go to the club sometimes not every single day. Consuming alcohol in a fair portion.
  If you listen to my advice, i'm sure you still enjoy Yolo in a healty and positive way :) thanks for reading !

"In 20 years, you will be more disappointed by what you didn't do than by what you did"
 P.s. being naughty is worth to try anyway :)

Selasa, 28 Mei 2013

Book Recommendation ! ^^

   Hi guys ! just wanna share a short post about book or novels recommendation ! 

1.  Truth or Dare

     This book will tell you how important a friendship is, as you read chapter by chapter, you will find a lot of good quotes in too ! I'm sure you'll miss your bestfriends right after reading this book.

2. Pandangan Pertama 

      This book will let you experience how is it feel to be loved by your crush and falling in love with someone else at the same time ^^ you will find some of korean sentences (with their meanings of course) and a korean character too. Good quotes at the end of each chapter and unexpected ending will complete your love for this book.

3. Kamu


To you guys that loved korean fanfiction or dramas can find it in this book. This book will make you feel like watching a korean drama about childhood love story and the conflict as the 2 main characters meet each other with different conditions as they already grow up. The editing of this book is kinda bad since you still find confusing sentences and wrong spelling but I think you will able to understand the meaning.

That's all for now..i'm still reading other novels and will update the recommendation soon perhaps ^^ Not forget to mention all of the books are in Indonesian =) Happy reading ! 

Goodbye FINAL EXAMS !!! ^^

     As you can read on the title of my new post..I HAVE FINISHED MY FINAL EXAMS !!! Hahaha ! i'm so happy because i don't have to wake up early every morning just to study for those troublesome exams ! even thought i've seen some of the results and found my name on the list of bad scores in 2 science lessons -__-" well..just for your information..i'm not a stupid student that has a very serious problem with science thing..I don't know why I fail for those exams too by the way.. what i'm going to share to you guys is not the tips to get good scores (since i have my problem with my scores too) or things that you should avoid during final exams week but I'm going to share my tragic story during my final exams week ==" Let's begin then...
     So in my new school (I'm a 10th grader and have just moved from my old school) we always get a new sitting partner during the final exams week, and I always sit with not good looking students ( mostly are boys). But this time is the worst. I sit with my senior from science class and he is one of the student committee which called OSIS in Indonesia ( yeah..i do live in Indonesia ^^ ). Let me tell you a short story when i did the student orientation period ( times when the OSIS members tell you to wear silly things and ask you to do many things that will make you look ugly and exhausted at the same time), that time all of the new 10th graders must gathered the OSIS members signatures, and I was there asking for my sitting partner signature, he looked with that-trying-to-look-good stare on my paper and he spotted my mistake, I'm using a pencil and he told me "Go and write all of this from the beginning with a pen or I will erased them ! " such a jerk ! he doesn't even good looking , very ugly in fact.
    Back to now, I'm so unlucky to have a sitting partner like him. I don't hate him because what he have done before, since now I'm one of the OSIS members too anyway, i hate him because he doesn't smell good ==". i know it's a silly reason but well, you have to try to sit beside a person who doesn't smell good and you have to deal with difficult exams as well ! 
    This senior, has a very bad habit, he loves to sing and make weird sounds during the exams, and every time he opens his mouth, a smelly dangerous gas is coming out too !!! I already try to sit as far as i can, but the smelly gas seems to follow me or maybe it's too strong to disappear easily ! and one more thing, i don't want to talk about his physical appearance actually, but i never saw anyone that has more additional hair than him (i mean on his arm, legs, and other part of his body ! ). The point is I just can't believe someone like him can treated me that bad a year ago.
    If there's any of you guys that being in the same position like me (I have free from him now anyway), what can i say is...just be patient dear..God knows what happen to us =) I would like to hear your story during your finals or other important event perhaps, please feel free to comment and thanks for reading ! ^^ see ya ! 

Rabu, 10 April 2013

Bullying ??

  Bullying is an action of frightening or hurting weaker person by using your strength or power. That's the meaning of bullying that i found from my oxford dictionary ^^. And well..maybe it's kinda too late to talk about bullying now..but just wanna warn you guys..perhaps some of you are being one the victims but don't realize it yet.
Since i'm still in high school, i'll share my experience in being one of the victims that happen when i have just entered my new high school.....

   First, let me tell you that I don't look like a girl that easy to hurt..i'm not too short or too skinny or too pale..just a normal girl. So i really wished to enter the school committee that time and i did it ! i am so happy at first but turn into disappointment when i know that they put me in another section ! I mean i choose my fav section and i do wrote it on my form but the fact is i became the part of another section in the committee ! it's really hard to complain since i know the old members of the committee didn't want to compromise..for them the options are just except it or get out. I decided to stay.
   One day, my section wanted to do a project and of course i have to take part of it since it is part of my job. It was a good project but i didn't really into it, but I still gave my best. At the end of the project, I have a very important thing to do so I tried to get the permission to go home faster, but i can't find my section's leader. So i went home. When i text her to apologize, other senior that is a member of my section, used his seniority to say bad things and crazily complained on me. This senior has a lot of access to popular people in my school and he has a big body, of course ugly, stupid for sure, but act like he is perfect ! i work harder than him that day but he made it looked like the opposite.
   Let's just say i was wrong that time and i do have apologize ! but he didn't let me go just like that ! he told everyone in the committee and soon i'll turn like a joke for all of them. People make mistakes and they deserve a second chance right? Imagine ! one section, have to work together, but I do looked like a joke ! every project since that day, i always looked like the wrong one for all of them. My hard works are useless. No one appreciate it ! being bullied ? yes of course ! mentally !
    That's my short story and actually i'm still struggling with it now but keep on trying to face it positively with keeping my confidence and always smile to those losers. Because I know, when they say bad things about me, I already one step forward than them ! I would like to know your stories too ^^ please leave comments below =) see ya !

Kamis, 27 Desember 2012

You are truly inspiring WongFu Productions !!

   Hi guys !!! do you know WongFu productions? or are you a big fan of them ? ^^
Let me explain a little bit about them..not so specific..just a few things that i know about them..and I'll share my love for them to you ! enjoy !
   Wongfu productions is an independent productions from US that make lots of inspiring videos, vlogs, music videos, short movies and many more about romance? life? or comedy?? ALL OF THEM ! and they post their videos on youtube. So you don't have to pay ! The 3 guys that super awesome for making wongfu are Philip wang, Wesley Chan, and Ted Fu. if you have some free time or want to know more about them, here's their youtube link account ! Make sure to check their videos ! ^^
Here's some pictures of Phil, Wes, and Ted :


  And by the way, not mean to be racist, but most of their work partners are asians. Jay Park is one of their work partners. Wang Lee Hom asked them to make one his music video either. Famous youtube artists like Ryan Higa, Kevjumba, Harry Shum Jr. ,David choi, and Kina Grannis often join their short videos or movies project. So go subscribe them ! lots of awesome artists and great videos ! 
  Just to make you guys sure, i'll post one of their videos here, it's an romantic and inspiring videos, Philip wang wrote the story, it's called "The Last" happy watching!! ^^

   Let me know what's your comment about WongFu !! That's all for today ^^ Thanks for reading ! =) good night !

Sabtu, 01 Desember 2012

Have you ever felt this way ?

Hey guys ! first post in my new blog ^^ Happy Reading !

Such a sweet couple right? hahaha..found this pic on tumblr ^^
ehm let's back to the topic =) I want to share to you guys about my pathetic story..I call this with a "complicated feelings" incident(?) Let's start  from the beginning =) First, there's a boy in my new high school..and i have to admit it that he is really charming!! well..he is not very good looking, not really smart, not rich...err i don't at first sight perhaps (?) . Second, i decided to greet him and make a new status as his friend..everything went perfect..his friends even supported me to know more about him...some of my friends even predicted that i'll be his girlfriend soon. Third, problems came...he asked me to go to the church with him..i don't know this count as a date or not..but since he is not my boyfriend and i'm to shy to go with i told him to wait for me at the church and i'll went there with my other friend. i'm not confident enough to think he is in love with this "other friend" is a boy..and when both of them met..i didn't know what to say or what to do..there's about 10 seconds freeze moment before i made the first move to introduce those 2 boys to each other..and I swear! start from that moment, this boy that i have feelings for start to ignoring me and he's not in a good mood for sure. See ?! I do nothing wrong but he treat me that way..i mean he ignored me!!..i don't even have a chance to say "goodbye" to him because he only gave me a quick look and went away with saying a mean "bye" word after the mass finished ==".
Fourth, start from that incident..we never talk to each other..i don't care for him (believe me i don't....) and he don't care for me either (perhaps....). Fifth, I think i have done a very bad thing......and i really wish i can turn back time to those times when I don't even know who is that heartless boy ! because i think.....i have fall for a wrong person..a very wrong person..........end of the story i guess ! ^^
Have you ever be in the same position like me? or do you have other stories that you want to share? do comment and let me know ! Thanks for reading =) and have a nice day ! Peace, JJ !

cr: tumblr