Selasa, 28 Mei 2013

Book Recommendation ! ^^

   Hi guys ! just wanna share a short post about book or novels recommendation ! 

1.  Truth or Dare

     This book will tell you how important a friendship is, as you read chapter by chapter, you will find a lot of good quotes in too ! I'm sure you'll miss your bestfriends right after reading this book.

2. Pandangan Pertama 

      This book will let you experience how is it feel to be loved by your crush and falling in love with someone else at the same time ^^ you will find some of korean sentences (with their meanings of course) and a korean character too. Good quotes at the end of each chapter and unexpected ending will complete your love for this book.

3. Kamu


To you guys that loved korean fanfiction or dramas can find it in this book. This book will make you feel like watching a korean drama about childhood love story and the conflict as the 2 main characters meet each other with different conditions as they already grow up. The editing of this book is kinda bad since you still find confusing sentences and wrong spelling but I think you will able to understand the meaning.

That's all for now..i'm still reading other novels and will update the recommendation soon perhaps ^^ Not forget to mention all of the books are in Indonesian =) Happy reading ! 

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